porcelain bird
a poetry collection by matt misikov

Porcelain Bird is a photo-filled poetry book. The collection tells a story of emotional vulnerability that shapes the author's perception of his past and soon-to-slip-away West Coast present. Matt Misikov ruminates on ever-lasting melancholy while yearning for a, both physical and mental, state of happiness that might just be hiding in a maximalist and obscure image of the future.
''I wrote this poetry collection over the course of a few months -- mostly from Fall 2020 to Winter 2021. There are over 25 poems, both short and long-form pieces, that I intentionally did little to no editing to after the fact they were written. The story I had within me wanted to be told, and I wanted it to be presented as real, as natural and, in places, as raw as possible.
The collection should read almost as a short story, a very specific moment and feelings, fished out from the sequence of life.
The majority of the photographs I used in the book were taken in Los Angeles, Reno, New York, and San Francisco. Photography, especially film photography, is another - visual - form of poetry to me.''
-- Matt
The lake just swallowed the last gold

“I write because it makes me feel true to myself.
But I also write because I have to -- I can’t not write.”